From action films to queer documentaries

My emotions while binge-watching these films went from 0 to...

Filipino global recognition aside, it also prompted an “internalized racism”...

Maybe the scariest monster is the film industry itself

Here’s a deal you don’t want to miss. Hint: It...

And they’re not just for your local hardcore cinephile either

Hooray, something new to fixate on other than the trailer

“Men Without Women” fans, you’ll love this

More backstory on 22’s cynicism, huh?

LF: Wes Anderson

Feat. carefree dreamers and obsessive perfectionists

Not all good movies are action-packed

Fantasy! Comedy! Drama!

The MMFF has been wrapping up our EOY events for...

Love it or hate it, bizarre indie film house A24...

Ricky Lee: legend, icon, storytelling star of Philippine cinema. Who...

Heads up, cinephiles: Cinema One is adding rom-com original “Baka...

We all know Haruki Murakami. He’s arguably the most famous...

With the the personal battles you might be dealing with,...

Our friends are unfortunately M.I.A, and we’re more distant from...