We may or may not share the same style with her, but one...
In the wise words of Usagi, “Moon Prism Power, make up!”
Boy With Luv (for studying)
But Barney, I thought you loved me?
Benzi chibna looble bazebni gweb!
Action? Comedy? Family drama? Why not all?
More backstory on 22’s cynicism, huh?
Am I physically ready for season two? No. Am I still watching it?...
Labor Day is more than just a random holiday
Here’s to our pent-up emotions #SeenOnScout
If this isn’t proof that our music (and style) kings have taken over,...
Tell your friends this exists
The aliens are among us (probably)
I would let The Darkling ruin Ravka’s enemies (and me) #ScoutThirstTrap
Also, is this a goodbye to “Rock Candy Sweet”?
Atty. Diokno’s help desk is ready to answer your burning Qs
Slow-burn enemies-to-lovers isn’t just the stuff of fanfic
LF: Wes Anderson
Yes, she’s an Oscar winner. Yes, she’s a frustrated manga artist. Yes, she...
I, too, am ready to risk it all for JCON