“Perception is real, and the truth is not,” Imelda Marcos...
Musicals? Romance? Animation? Check ’em off your list
This year’s run of the “DIY film fest” comes with...
It’s budol szn once again, bookworms
The cherry on top? Workshopped entries have a chance to...
Yes, you can learn more about forensic science outside of...
Uh oh, here we go again [tsundoku mode on]
Ah yes, the first page of my zombie film agenda
Come through with your best “Ride” Lana Del Rey ’fit
[stans in Simlish]
The struggle for genuine artistic expression is also a fight...
The world of cinema may be under some limitations, but...
With my serial case of tsundoku, it isn’t that surprising...
Social distancing won’t stop the fight for equal rights, henny....
The folks of La Union are taking Pride to everyone...
When you can’t take it to the streets, we turn...
UPDATE 05/28: According to 88rising’s Twitter, the Asia Rising stream...
Virtual shows are far from over—just ask these acts from...
Love them or hate them, virtual cons might just take...
As more canceled events pile up this year, it’s no...