Special thanks to our watchlist #ScoutRecap

Skips? We don’t know them #ScoutRecap

What’s your fave look this year? #ScoutRecap

Did your watch list faves make it to the list?...

Nothing like seeing myself in characters trying to find the...

Now playing: Evil laughter feat. sleigh bells.mp3

Is this a sign to base my personality on “bubblegrunge”?

In the 2020 memoir film, coming to grips with adulthood...

Words are just a starting point to a more inclusive...

The crossover *I* was waiting for

BRB, busy with my glow up era

Just patiently waiting for more Hayao Miyazaki Ghibli, WBU?

In episode three of “Nostalgia Goggles,” we chat with content...

“Many dreams have come true for me this year but...

Share your cinema-ready watchlists, folks

Things happen. Also: Duncan Idaho

Fight that slump (just like these authors did)

Spine-tingling films with little to no blood? Yep, they exist

We talk to Paradise Rising’s “Semilucent 2” artists about their...

Don’t overanalyze your cat’s personality challenge