Scout Friday Picks: Moonwlk

If we could compare Moonwlk’s music to one thing, it’d be a firework–an energetic explosion of colors filled with upbeat hooks and cheery vocals. The electronic duo has been making songs for a while now, having two full-length albums under their belts. And it just gets better with every release; Moonwlk is an act that simply refuses to fizzle out. Favorites of ours include “Your Electronic Kiss is Late Always” and “20twelve.”

We actually just got to drop by the duo’s music video launch for their song “Prefer” last Wednesday at A-Space. The event was a cozy and intimate affair filled with lots of awesome things like pizza, beer, bean bags, and air conditioning. Joined by acts Oh, Flamingo and TheSunManager, Moonwlk ended the night with the screening of their anticipated music video and a hearty live performance. There were a bit of technical difficulties with the sound but the band powered through.

For this weekend’s playlists, we asked both members of Moonwlk themselves, Nick Lazaro and Gabbi Buencamino, to pretend that their lives were movies and create the soundtrack to their own respective biographical films. Check out what they ended up picking here:

Nick’s Playlist

1. “Sentenced to Burn” – Cannibal Corpse
Whenever I do menial tasks like cleaning up my studio, shopping for toothpaste and deodorant, or waiting in line–regardless of how stagnant or monotonous the situation, I always keep it intense.

2. “It’s Not Up to You” – Björk
Like, every single time I hope for opportunities, all I can pretty much do is wait…

3. “Ágætis Byrjun” – Sigur Rós
I walked down a beach to this song once.

4. “Steal My Sunshine” – Len
Everytime something great comes along, whether it’s a love-related thing, a reward, or some achievement, this is what I think of.

5. “I Ain’t Mad At Cha” – 2Pac
This is for when I think of my past self, then realize who I am now, over a cup of kitanglad pour over coffee at Bo’s.


Gabbi’s Playlist

1. “Feeling Good” – Michael Buble
I love this song for getting amped up in the morning. I’ve gotten up more than once to put this on play knowing it would be a good day.

2. “The Lady is a Tramp” – Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga
I have a deep love for jazz standards. This rendition of the classic puts just the right amount of fun and feminine that I want to emulate in my own music.

3. “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen
This reminds me of fellowship with friends and family. Friends and family alike are sure to pick up on this song once anyone starts singing

4. “Stickwitu” by The Pussycat Dolls
My first best friend in life is my sister, Jana. This song reminds me of her.

5. “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall” by Coldplay
This song puts to words and music a lot of my own beliefs about love, life, and self.

If you’ve got Spotify and want to hit save on these, here you go:

Follow Moonwlk on social media!


Categories: Music Scoutmag
Denise Fernandez: