Stream ‘The Kingmaker,’ ‘Liway,’ ‘Respeto’ and more for free this week

In times of fighting disinformation, one of the crucial actions of truth-telling is through filmmaking. Despite not being born in the 1970s, many filmmakers have made efforts to give us a peek into the atrocities of the Philippines’ darkest era.

In line with this year’s 10th Active Vista Human Rights Festival, 10 films that tackle women’s issues, martial law, authoritarianism, and war on drugs in the Philippines are free for streaming until Oct. 2.

The roster is composed of shorts, narratives, documentaries, musical play, and narrative fiction. The full-length features are as follows: “The Kingmaker” (2019), “Isang Harding Papel” (2016), “Liway” (2018), “Aswang” (2019), “Respeto” (2017), and “Moral” (1982) in digitally restored and remastered version.

Meanwhile, the short films include: “Alunsina” (2020), “Bullet-Laced Dreams” (2020), “It’s Raining Frogs Outside” (2021), and “Skylab” (2021).

The full-length features are available for streaming worldwide, while the shorts are only available to watch locally. Don’t forget to check each movie’s designated schedule and tell your friends.

Head over here to watch for free.

Read more:

This docu on martial law survivors aims to uphold historical truth

Here’s an online database of Philippine docus since 1913

4 films about the Martial Law era you can stream right now

Still from “Respeto” trailer

Justine Rey: