The ‘Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared’ TV series will creep you out, just like old times

The ‘Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared’ TV series will creep you out, just like old timesThe ‘Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared’ TV series will creep you out, just like old times

Once upon a time—2011 to be exact—“Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” ruled the weird side of YouTube. It had puppets. It had guts. It had incomprehensible noises that became regular visitors in dreams for the next year or so. But after its last episode in 2016, the series disappeared onto the YouTube graveyard. That is, until now.

After four years since its first teaser dropped, a TV show based on the cult classic horror web series is officially on the way. Released today, the latest 51-second preview “Fly” depicts a dilapidated area, where a flickering TV switches between static and shots of the series’ characters. 

Red Guy, Duck, and Yellow Guy sit at a kitchen table, just as they were introduced in the first episode. A fly buzzes across the characters, until Duck smacks it dead. Cue sounds of horror, and finally, the release date—September 2022.

We only have these official crumbs of info to sate us, but according to reports, the show’s pilot episode was previously shown at Sundance back in 2019. The TV series is now slated to release on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom.

Now, if you didn’t find yourselves lost in the weird part of YouTube (lucky/unlucky you), here’s a quick summary if you made it this far: The “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” series could be best described as a “Sesame Street” fever dream, where puppets learn life lessons, with things getting progressively, well, dark and horrific. But the best way to experience this is for your own eyeballs to witness it, so, good luck.

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Still from “Fly” – “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared”

Katrina Maisie Cabral: