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10 things Nadine Lustre made me feel with ‘Wait For Me’

Sometimes, the end of certain relationships—whether it be familial, friendship, or romantic ones—isn’t a slam on the door, a blocking spree on social media, or a vow to never mention a person’s name again. Sometimes, they’re quiet compromises and long thought-out sacrifices. But that doesn’t mean they’re less painful, either.

This scenario plays out like a movie in Nadine Lustre’s new single, “Wait For Me.” Released today, Oct. 29, with a lyric video under Careless Music, this fresh track shows how essential it is to prioritize individual peace while in a relationship. With powerful vignettes in its lyricism (“I don’t wanna make a mess of your love / And I can’t be the one that’s holding you up”), ethereal arrangement, and Nadine’s intimate vocals, the process of letting go is painted difficult but cathartic. After all, growth is worth the hurt. 

Since we’ve been listening to it N times since it dropped, here are 10 feelings left unattended while “Wait For Me” plays in the background. 

  1. Like I want to sit at the back of the bus and stare out the window
  2. Like I want to re-watch my fave rom-coms with a love vs. career (or growth, however it gets interpreted) theme
  3. Obsessed because the whole track sounds absolutely exquisite
  4. Satisfied because we’re blessed with Nadine’s vocal runs in this single, period
  5. This meme
  6. Like I want to revisit my fave tracks in the “Wildest Dreams” album to keep the magical vibe going
  7. Embarrassed because as much as it’s a melancholic track, I secretly want to dance to this bop (s/o to that “you don’t gotta wait for me” part)
  8. Bittersweet, because aren’t we all, especially when we know something good is bound to end
  9. Like I want to put “you can’t drink away a memory” on a shirt
  10. Pumped up, because I can’t wait to know how the “Wait For Me” MV will wreck us tomorrow

Read more:

Multi-awarded actress Nadine Lustre is back with a new project 

Nadine’s metamorphosis is here, whether we’re ready or not 

We’re fallin’, fallin’, for Nadine Lustre all over again in ‘Wildest Dreams’

First photo courtesy of Careless Music, second photo from Nadine’s Instagram account

Categories: Music
Jelou Galang: