14 tweets I left on draft while watching ‘So Not Worth It’

[Warning: This article may contain spoilers.]

Most have flocked to Netflix’s “So Not Worth it” for a couple of reasons: 1) for the comedic acting chops of GOT7’s Young-jae and (G)I-DLE’s Minnie, and 2) that diverse cast. But let it be finally heard: “So Not Worth It,” is well, the total opposite of its title.

Like a SoKor baby of “The Breakfast Club” and “Community,” “So Not Worth It” is 12 episodes’ worth of adventures of students from an international university in Seoul. One is the Main Character™ making ends meet with multiple jobs and dubious cons, another is a Korean-born American student who’s probably the child of a Hollywood actor, and the rest are the ragtag team of wildly different personalities from Australia, the U.S., Sweden, Thailand, and Trinidad and Tobago. (And yes, they all speak Korean.)

The show’s unique diversity and tongue-in-cheek ridiculousness are what make it last for the sitcom-loving local. It lightheartedly pokes at K-drama tropes, tackles subjects like sexual identity and casual racism, all the while keeping a chaotic energy that spurred live-tweet threads everywhere simultaneously asking, “What just happened???”

I, of course, am not exempt from that. So, I present: a series of out-of-context, stream of consciousness statements as I watch “So Not Worth it.” Enjoy.

  1. Wow, that Sam character sure plays an idol surprisingly well!
  2. Someone please pry the canned laughter away from the editors.
  3. Like Hyun-min, I, too, would break into rap with a fully choreographed music video if my limited edition, once-in-a-lifetime “Michael” sneakers mysteriously disappeared.
  4. Se-wan: full-time resident assistant of Daehan International University dormitory, part-time extortionist of Daehan International University students.
  5. In the wise translated words of American philosopher/love therapist Carson, “dagnabbit.”
  6. Give Minnie the “Descendants of the Sun” fantasy she wants and deserves.
  7. Wait a sec, is Jamie supposed to be an AU version of Angelina Jolie’s son?
  8. LBR, Hans has a white savior complex. But sure, I’m all for that anti-peeled shrimp protest.
  9. If “The Great Gatsby” had the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg as a motif, then the far superior literary masterpiece “So Not Worth It” has constipation and poop-related storylines.
  10. That storage room is a character all on its own.
  11. Terris is my precious canonically bisexual son. That is all.
  12. Meadow kiss? Alexa, play “Claire de Lune” by Claude Debussy (Edward’s Version).
  13. Was it just me or did I hallucinate that drug-dealing subplot?
  14. We get it, finale cliffhanger, Hyun-min has the fortune of Lindsay Lohan in the middle of “Just My Luck.” Just give us season two, please.

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Still from “So Not Worth It”

Tags: k-drama
Katrina Maisie Cabral: