‘Dracula,’ ‘Frankenstein’ and more horror faves are heading to YouTube

‘Dracula,’ ‘Frankenstein’ and other horror classics are heading to YouTube (for free)‘Dracula,’ ‘Frankenstein’ and other horror classics are heading to YouTube (for free)

If you still have some leftover Halloween #spoopy thoughts, we have your next movie marathon scheduled: classic horror films on YouTube, all for free.

Universal Pictures is bringing creepy classics to the video site, featuring seven horror staples from Hollywood’s golden age. Films include 1931’s “Dracula” and “Frankenstein,” 1932’s “The Mummy,” 1933’s “The Invisible Man,” 1935’s “Bride of Frankenstein,” 1941’s “The Wolf Man” and 1948’s “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.”

Each film will be available for one week starting Jan. 16 (Philippine time) on the Fear: The Home of Horror” YouTube channel. Aside from the freebies, viewers can also add the horror flicks to their own digital collection at a discounted price. 

Check out the full release sched and trailers below:

Jan. 16 (4 a.m. Philippine time)

“Dracula” (1931)

“The Mummy” (1932)

Jan. 17 (4 a.m. Philippine time)

“Frankenstein” (1931)

“Bride of Frankenstein” (1935)

Jan. 18 (4 a.m. Philippine time)

“The Invisible Man” (1933)

“The Wolf Man” (1941)

“Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” (1948)

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Still from “Dracula”

Katrina Maisie Cabral: