We made a bingo card out of your family reunion clowneries

Not everyone is a fan of family reunion season. 

Although “Madeline” taught us to love our bread, butter and each other, we often break these rules during reunions. It’s an opportunity to kick back with cool cousins and drink with cool aunts and uncles. Still, there are really some horrible constants we can’t avoid. 

Filipino family reunions have hilarious yet painful tropes. There’s the age-old “body shaming” qs from titos and titas, dismissing the credibility of our chosen non-STEM course, mispronouncing our names, and more often misgendering us on purpose. Safe to say—reunions are a lot. 

With the familiar pangs of family reunions, what can we do to make it bearable (apart from drinking)? Pro tip: make it a bingo opportunity.

Introducing SCOUT Bingo: Noche Buena clownery edition. We made a printable bingo card filled with familiar reunion tropes. There are cringeworthy ones like getting “dilawan-tagged” by DDS family members, but there are fun ones like losing the family raffle. 

No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade to the family. This is just for fun anyway. Play it with your fave cousin or make it a drinking game. Like everything else this year, it’s entirely absurd and pointless. 

Download SCOUT Bingo’s printable version here.

Read more:
4 holiday traditions we grew up with and can’t escape from
How a holiday cynic like me learned to appreciate Christmas
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Art by Yel Sayo

Rogin Losa: