I Lost My Gig monitors Filipino creatives’ income loss due to COVID-19

Independent businesses, the arts, culture and the creative industries are suffering a lot of income loss due to the pandemic. Freelancers in particular have been bearing the brunt of this loss since projects are their main source of living. Work for them is almost impossible in this climate.

This is where the website, I Lost My Gig, steps in. Collating data from freelancers nationwide, they can paint a picture for people in power on how to help these workers. 

I Lost My Gig takes inspiration from its branches in America, Singapore and Australia. This site was established to gather information from independent business owners and freelance creatives whose projects were placed on hold since the lockdown. In order to help creatives, they want to humanize the data from these creatives as well by telling their story. 

“We are recording the total income lost, the number of jobs lost and the number of industry workers impacted. We aim to collect and share the stories behind the numbers; the individual hardships that together paint a picture of a creative community in crisis,” says their website description. “The impact of this crisis should not be ignored and also requires quick-response actions by government and other agencies.”

I Lost My Gig is not collecting any donations from people. What they are providing is a platform for freelancers, so they can connect with potential clients or anyone that can help them during this trying time. On their website, folks can provide booking opportunities, financial support, paid work and many more.

Check out their website here. If you want to show support, you can fill out their form here.

Art by Rogin Losa

Rogin Losa: