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Doja Cat bathes in pearls and milk in this iconic live performance of ‘Streets’

Resident Boss Bitch™ Doja Cat is exhibiting queen behavior and raising the bar for pop star visuals yet again. Only this time, Ms. Doja is doing it live.

Vevo LIFT decked everyone’s favorite e-girl icon in pearls and white lingerie while bathing in a pool of milk for a live performance of “Streets.” Their statement reads, “For “Streets,” we built a massive bowl of milk. Doja hopped in that 2% and bodied the beat – clearly in her element. Time to wet your whiskers, and if this one’s not wild enough for ya, stay tuned: another performance and short film are on their way. “

The striking visuals’ context is pretty straightforward: putting the ‘cat’ in Doja Cat. To which someone from the Vevo production staff probably suggested, “Hurry, somebody make her sing in milk!” Big thanks to that brave soul, because boy does this opaque white pool make for an amazingly surreal performance backdrop. Doja’s Vevo LIFT is currently dubbed as “the most ambitious studio build to date for a LIFT performance.” It definitely shows.

Check out Doja Cat’s Vevo LIFT performance below.

Still from “Doja Cat – Streets (Live Performance) | Vevo LIFT” video

Categories: Music
Tags: doja cat
Rysa Antonio: