Will this be Unique’s first official collab of 2019?

Yesterday, March 3, Unique’s record label O/C Records posted a photoset containing singer-songwriter Unique’s photo along with photos of Emil Dela Rosa, Divino Dayacap of Halina, and Ghabby Gee. This was shot in Bangued, Abra, as confirmed by another post of Liezl Young, artist handler from O/C Records. Last night, Unique also had a gig in said place.

Read also: Leaders of the New Cool: UNIQUE

If we thought singer-songwriter Unique’s surprise busking performance last week along P. Noval St. was everything we could ever hope for, then we probably haven’t imagined all the possibilities. Our favorite interdisciplinary artist might be preparing something new to our ears soon, or might be brewing his familiar sound, now with bigger team effort.

Read also: We talked to UNIQUE about his first solo album

Will Unique be collaborating with these guys for a new song soon? We haven’t found any other clues yet, but truth be told, if what we think is right, then it will surely be one of the most memorable collabs of the year yet. We’re curious about how his soulful, synth-strong, vocal-stacked alternative rock sound can make ends meet with the workings of Emil Dela Rosa, Divino Dayacap and Ghabby Gee in a track. It’ll surely be a listening feast.

Jelou Galang: