Moon Mask’s “Boulevard” is a bittersweet bop for future roadtrips

Moon Mask’s precursor to their upcoming EP landed yesterday. Their track “Boulevard” is an upbeat synth-pop pick me up that premiered in the band’s streaming platforms. Lead singer Zeon Gomez announced the track drop yesterday on his Twitter page with some bittersweet backstory on the infectious track.

“I used to talk to this girl every day. I fell in love with her and obviously, that wasn’t mutual, so I distanced myself to get over it. One day I got a text about how much she misses me and our whole day convos, but I told her I just need a little bit of time because I don’t blame her for liking me back,” Zeon opened up on the Twitter thread of “Boulevard’s” announcement. “So I would just take errands and give myself any excuse to ride my dirty Honda Civic and drive around. Just driving so I don’t get to think about her. Rain or shine, [it was] just me and my car.”

The track’s infectious danceable instrumental compliments its rather somber lyrics. It’s about failed attempts on romance, but at the same time, it’s also a redemption arc waiting to unfold. That’s what made the track reminiscent to a slice of life anime intro. Regardless of Zeon’s singing words of longing, the instrumental is a motivational push for him to bury the bad memories. The message of “Boulevard” is that sometimes getting over someone is a process that might involve errands and spontaneous trips with your own dirty old sedan. And hopefully, by the end of that trip, life gets less shitty with every mileage.

Give the track a listen here.

Rogin Losa: