8 glam on a budget hacks that every broke student should know

Living the student life means having no commitment to your favorite beauty routine. Every week, we lose sleep after we crammed that paper due in a few hours. Don’t get us started with the inhumane traffic that clogs not only the streets but our pores as well. The student life is a living nightmare on our road to our dreams.

But, we’re smart enough to not let the stress sap away your sparkle. Even if you’re running on pure caffeine and a “woke up like this” hairdo, we’ll get you strutting on your school’s hallways. These products and a few nifty tricks will be enough to do the trick.

Makeup remover wipes is a must

Sometimes, all you want is just lie on your bed after a long tiring day, skipping on your face cleansing ritual. Want to save yourself screaming at your pimple breakout in the morning? Make sure you have makeup remover within arms reach. Wipe the dirt and grime from your face even when you’re half asleep.

Fresher than a baby with baby powder

Late for your 8 am class and you can’t even spare a minute to jump into a speedy shower? You may opt for your choice of dry shampoo. But a tip list from Real Simple revealed an unexpected alternative —baby powder. Apply the powder lightly on your hair and comb it until you can’t see the product anymore.

Read more:8 products for a sweat-proof beauty routine this summer

Dupes are dope

Using high-end brands is not everything because you don’t need to break the bank to look glam. There are several makeup dupes out there that you can cop for more than half the price with similar effect. Most of them are hiding within your nearest drugstore. If you’re feeling a little lost on what can be the perfect dupe, you can visit @dupethat on Instagram.

Get creative with your makeup arsenal

Because being savvy is the new sexy, you can try to use your makeup in ways more than one. Try to be creative in using your product to save you time and effort. This especially goes out to teens on the go.

Try getting help from Style Caster with their tip compilation from Hollywood celebs. Do it like Gigi Hadid with her concealer as a sub for a nude lipstick. Have you considered Lindsay Lohan’s lipstick as blush tip? Try pulling a Kendall Jenner who livens up her eyes with a dab of highlighter and so forth.

Heat it up for longer-lasting eyelash curls

According to Makeup.com, you can save time in curling your lashes by blow drying your curler for about 10 seconds. The heat can help in achieving those long-lasting curls with a few simple squeezes.

Pencil eyeliner to gel liner

Liquid and gel liners can be pretty expensive. But not in an article by She Knows. Blowdrying your regular kohl liners for 10-15 seconds can do the trick. Line those lids with your killer wings, just be extra careful with tip since it’s still soft from the heat.

Read more:Five items you need to cop from the new Crayola makeup line

Baby Oil and Conditioner as shaving cream

Have a surprise getaway and you can’t get the chance to visit your waxing salon? You can use baby oil as a cheap alternative to shaving cream. In an article in How Stuff Work, apply a small amount around your problem area and shave in a breeze. The translucence of the product can help you in easily removing stubble. It’ll save you from those irritating nicks you can’t get away from.

Vaseline is the jack of all trades

The supreme savior of every broke beauty out there. From chappy lips to having your perfume last the whole day, Vaseline is there to help you. There are over (and probably more than) 10 uses of this product according to an article by Allure. This baby can work as a lip gloss, highlighter, or even as a gentle makeup remover. Always keep a small jar handy. A swipe of this product can save you from several horrible situations.

Read more: 3 surprising ways you can change up your style

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Art by Bryan Sochayseng

Erikah Cinco: