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Instagram’s new question feature is getting us even thirstier

Instagram’s new question feature is getting us even thirstier

A new question feature was released on Instagram last week, but no one seemed to notice. This is because the questions come in the form of sticker–a feature similar to the app’s poll and emoji slider. Here’s how it works: You pick the specific sticker, note down your question, and viewers are free to answer.

Although it isn’t anonymous like Curious Cat, the question sticker effectively organizes the audience’s response. The only person who can see the answers is the one who posted the story. You can say goodbye to awkwardly sliding into DMs, then forgetting the context once you check weeks after. On top of that, the asker can also choose to publish their followers’ answers within their story. This time, they’ll appear without the username of the person who sent them.

Albeit simple, we think Instagram’s new “question sticker” will make a difference. This especially goes to personalities who want to get in touch with their followers without crossing the fine line. We can also see this thriving as live stream sessions, quite similar to what currently Reddit has. The app constantly adds features one after another, which collectively grants users the liberty to curate their feed and stories.

Photo by Instagram Press
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