Zine Orgy 666 is a biannual expo promoting artistic freedom

Through the rollercoaster tracks of publishing, many works of art are being censored by hierarchal standards, old-fashioned rules, and societal conventions. The argument for free speech is often a debacle artists have to confront at one point in their careers. To promote zine as a space of complete artistic freedom, Asshulz with Magpies and UPLB Communicators’ Association created Zine Orgy 666, a biannual expo for independent publishers and homegrown artists.

Upon announcing the event happening this May 17 in 77 Grove Events Place, Los Baños, artist Asshulz shares, “We aim to reintroduce zines as a free space to discuss the marginal–topics deemed taboo or irrelevant, and the institutions that establish the standards by which these topics are judged unworthy of consideration.

Experience art to its core. Check for more details here.

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Nina Chua: