What you missed at Warner Night: IV OF SPADES Victory Party

Yesterday wasn’t only Valentine’s Day, but it also happened to be the date of IV OF SPADES Victory Party for winning Air Asia’s Dreams Come True Campaign. Following their digital release of their crowd favorite single “Mundo” (on midnight of Valentine’s Day, to beat!), the event was held at Punta Mandala, Mandaluyong, along with other bands such as Brisom, Leanne & Nara, SUD, Shoulder State, and Rob & the Hitmen. The night was an awesome time to not just celebrate the band’s win but also quality Filipino music. By the time IV OF SPADES played, crowds cheered and it was definitely worth the wait.

Hate the FOMO? See what went down during Warner Night in photos here:

Leanne & Naara kicking the show off with a chill set

Shoulder State rocking out

SUD in a jam

Zild Benitez of IV OF SPADES and Shanne Dandan


Rob & the Hitmen belting out their tunes

Zild Benitez on bass

Men of the hour, IV OF SPADES

Unique Salonga

Rare photo of Blaster Silonga smiling

Badjao De Castro (We take photos of drummers, too.)

Loving Unique’s dance moves

Photography and GIFs by Isa Drilon

Categories: Events Scoutmag