Changes we want to see on Twitter that didn’t happen in the #NewTwitter

Twitter got a facelift overnight and is now flaunting a lighter, more rounder design, and we don’t know how to feel about it. I mean what is it with social media sites thinking that soft edges is the “new” look? It almost seems like it’s the same designer infiltrating our social media apps.

The biggest change seen on the #NewTwitter is the replacement of the “reply” icon to a “make a comment” icon. There’s also the newly added option of replying to a tweet with a poll, but is this really what we need? Did we not ask for more than just a layout change? Is this really the change that Twitter should be making right now? We don’t think so.  

In light of the changes that the #NewTwitter has brought us, we came up with a list of changes we want to see that still hasn’t happened yet or better yet, would’ve been better than a layout change.

1. Solution to Harrassment Problem

Yeah we know, haters gonna hate, but where do you draw the line from hating to simple cyber bullying? Twitter is infamously known for being the social app that is the melting pot of where all kinds of haters can freely “hate” on people. They’ve added mute options in the past, but come on. There’s got to be more than just muting that they could do to solve this.

2. Edit Option

We can see how an edit option can ruin the magic that makes Twitter what Twitter is, but just like everyone, we’re human. We want the option to edit our typos. If given the edit option, we could see how easy it might be for people to abuse it but maybe if our tweets were editable within the minute of tweeting, it wouldn’t be too bad?

3. Auto shorten links

If you’re an avid link copy-paster on Twitter, then you know what we’re talking about. We’re tired of having to use external apps to shorten links just so that it would fit the 140 characters limit. Please Twitter, save us the hassle.

4. DM Limit Control Lift

We’re cool with the 2,400 per day tweet limit. We don’t see ourselves tweeting and retweeting for more than 2,400x a day. We’re not fussing over that one, but if you’re listening Twitter, do us a favor and lift that 1,000 messages per day DM limit. It’s awkward having to switch mid-conversation to a different app or waiting 24 hours just so we could reply again.

5. Preview Photo of Instagram Photos

We don’t know why people even still share URL links of Instagram posts on Twitter, but if you can see previews of YouTube videos and SoundCloud streams, why not Instagram? Or maybe everyone should just stop posting IG links on Twitter altogether. 

Now that we’ve shared ours, what are some changes you want to see on Twitter?

Categories: Internet Scoutmag
Celene Sakurako: