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Chris Pratt apologizes to hearing-impaired people in ASL, because that’s what he does

Chris Pratt’s learned a lesson that many of us end up learning one day, one way or another. Because a lot of people are on the internet, it means individuals of many different and varying backgrounds are represented, and it may happen that you could step on their toes inadvertently. They’re not being oversensitive—they’re just making their voice heard, and Chris learned this the hard way.

After Chris posted a video on Instagram where he told people to turn up the volumein order to watch it properly (because scrolling past a video on the app doesn’t play its sound) people criticized him for being a little insensitive to those with hearing impairment.

Now, any other personality might just double down and brush it off as haters hating and trolls trolling, but not Star-Lord. In true Good American Boy fashion, he responded with an apology that kept it 100:

You saw that right: he apologized in American Sign Language. Now, some will argue that he didn’t need to go this far just to apologize, but the point is he saw it as a mistake he felt he needed to own up to, and as a chance for him to raise awareness for handicapped people. And to improve accessibility on Instagram—if Facebook can do it, why can’t IG?

Good job, Chris. Now if you could also just apologize for two-thirds of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 being such a total bore, we’d be even.


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Romeo Moran: