The Childish Gambino And Chance The Rapper Mixtape Is Happening

Earlier today, Chance posted a photo on Instagram with Childish Gambino paired with the caption “Hawaii then LA, back to work. #roscoeswetsuit”

Roscoe’s Wetsuit. Where have we heard that before?  Oh right, it was the same phrase Gambino was tweeting and retweeting way back 2013 when he released Because The Internet and the supplementary film Clapping For The Wrong Reasons. “Roscoe’s Wetsuit” was also found in the 72-page screenplay found at becausetheinter.net. The tweets are gone, and the website now redirects to be about his Pharos project, but Bino fans haven kept the receipts, especially about a tweet by Gambino around 2014, saying “now that chance finally released his verse on “worst guys”, maybe he can hurry up and finish the rest of our EP. #hinthint.”

We also haven’t forgotten that less than a year ago, Chance had a Reddit AMA where he basically confirmed the collab project. The Instagram post means that they’re finally back on track and are working on the project again. And it’s the right time too: both Chance and Childish Gambino had a big year last 2016. It’s the perfect time for these two to release new music. We definitely wouldn’t mind.

The question remains though, what’s Roscoe’s Wetsuit?

Categories: Music Scoutmag
Lex Celera: