The Team’s Favorites From Last Week (11/14/2016)

The Team’s Favorites From Last Week (11/14/2016)

Life is good. The weather is getting a bit more chilly every day, and at this very moment the moon is looking pretty damn pretty. While Editorial Assistant Denise is stalking Beenzino in Seoul, the rest of the team share favorites from the past week, sans the snarkiness. Because it feels a little bit like Christmas.

By the way, this Friday, we will be having our final event for the year as we head over to UST for the final leg of our #ScoutCampusTour and we’re pretty excited. We will also release our final issue for the year that day. #ScoutSugarLauren, y’all.

PEPI, Editor in chief, @roiswar

A Tribe Called Quest – “We Got It From Here… Thank You 4 Your Service” – They’re back, and it’s like they never broke up in the first place, especially when the late Phife Dogg’s vocals are still alive and well on this record. It’s the classic ATCQ sound updated for modern times and modern voices, with friends like Kendrick Lamar and Andre 3000 helping out, and I couldn’t be any more stoked to bump this over and over. You were shitty, 2016, but I love your music.

This Rolling Stone interview of Jon Stewart from 2011 – The week of November 7 was insane for society and politics both here and abroad. Sometimes, despite your indignation and your best efforts, things just get too much for one soul to handle. I dug up this old interview of Jon Stewart (who needs no introduction) to try and find some nuggets of wisdom for times like these, and it still helps to hear what he says about sanity in a political context.

GRACE, Art Director, @graceyyd

Nerve  – I was able to watch this movie over the weekend. And if you loved watching Black Mirror, then you should give this movie a go. Though I feel bad that Emma Roberts never outgrew the high school roles. But Dave Franco is an ultimate hunky darling in this movie. Also, watch out for the end credits. BEST ONE I’VE SEEN SINCE Enter the Void AND Springbreakers! Catch the trailer here.

Sailor Mars Kiss Socks and Pokemon x Tony Moly Purin Hand Cream from Korea – Got these loot from my other magazine’s Managing Editor as pasalubong from his Korea trip. EVERYTHING IS SOOOO CUTE! <3

Petersen Vargas’ 2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten – Super super proud of this friend and super super excited to watch this movie!! Come watch 2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten‘s gala premiere this Thursday (November 17), 10:30 PM at Trinoma. This is Petersen Vargas’ entry to this year’s Cinema One Originals. See you there!!

LEX, Editorial Assistant, @lexcereal


The Trail – From video game icon Peter Molyneux comes this mobile game  that’s all about travelling over beautiful landscapes. It’s got my attention, for now. Fun fact: it got released exclusively in the Philippines first for a week or so.

Spam – I just love Spam, okay? I have it on my desk right now. I turned it to a bookweight.

NES Classic Edition – Oh my god, it is so fun! I never got the NES when I was younger, probably because it’s older than me. But damn, classic video games never looked so good. I just got it today and I’ve played Super C, Gradius, Double Dragon, and of course, Super Mario. Video games were way harsher back then. Thank you Tammy David for lending it to us.
