Ang Bandang Shirley’s Back To Steal Your Hearts With “Umaapaw”

By Aldus Santos

In their storied decade-long existence, Ang Bandang Shirley has become shorthand for Pinoy indie, murmurs of their every impending release causing sleepless nights to their congregation, who troop to their shows with a rabidity previously only seen in hobbyists and geeks.

“Umaapaw,” the band’s newest song from their upcoming album, is a sing-song boy-girl tune with a gorgeous water-like cadence. The single, which also marks the first appearance of new bassist Enzo Zulueta on record, and its accompanying video, co-directed by Shinji Manlangit and Kathy Gener, has all the makings of a home run: harmonies like candy, guitar lines like honey, and equally heartwarming visuals that would easily turn non-fans into believers overnight.

The song’s trajectory ebbs and flows and doesn’t let up, and save for off-kilter drum accents in mid-verse, “Umaapaw” remains a straight-arrow road trip with the apple of your eye—colorful amid the structure, exhilarating despite the drag.

If you haven’t caught it yet, it’s right here:

The song is available to stream on Spotify and Apple Music, and for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

Categories: Music Scoutmag